Malware FAQ | Bluehost Support
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Malware FAQ

In this article, we will answer some of the most frequently asked malware-related questions. By the end of this article, you should be familiar with the standard knowledge about malware.

Q: What is malware?

A: Malware is malicious code or program that can be installed onto a website through vulnerabilities (e.g., outdated code).

Q:  What are the different kinds of malware?

A: There are various types of malware. To name a few; Ransomware (disables access), Fileless Malware (changes files), Spyware (collects user activity), Adware (shows unwanted ads), Trojans (disguises as normal code), Keyloggers (monitors keystrokes), and Bots (overwhelms a system).

Q:  How does malware get on a website?

A: Cybercriminals use vulnerabilities on the website, such as outdated code, plugins, and themes, to inject their malicious code. When malicious content is installed, it impacts your website performance quickly and can become worse if not addressed.

Q: What can malware do to a website?

A: Malware is like getting a virus. It can lay dormant for years, affect website content (appearance) and performance, put your visitors at risk, and can create backdoor access for cybercriminals. Depending on the malware, it can also impact your SEO and Google ranks.

Q: How can I prevent malware?

A: There is no way to keep malware out entirely, as new strains are created every hour. Keeping good security habits such as updating security patches and code, removing old software no longer used, getting a firewall, and using strong passwords can help prevent a website infection.

Q:  Why would Bluehost suspend your account if malware is found?

A: We must suspend accounts as a security measure and mitigate the risk of malware spreading across the Bluehost platform.

Q: Do you have to use SiteLock?

A: No, SiteLock is a third-party product that we offer to make a convenient one-stop shop for our customers. You are not required to use it and have many other options to choose from.